A variety of daily
A book summarizing lectures and dialogues by people who are active in each field。Kazuhiro Nagata, a university professor,、It is said that he made a book called "My Challenge" planned to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Kyoto Sangyo University.。Mr. Nagata、最近の若者は憧れるということをしないのではと心配…
"What do you want to know, me?" Or are you talking about the Count of Monte Cristo?" (Episode 10: Letter from Edmond) Three powerful people in Paris receive a funeral invitation from Dantes。The Count of Monte Cristo's spaceship moving into deep space。Danglar ditto...
Tell them to talk to people they don't know in the city.、An unusual book。However, in that case,、With kindness and respect、To determine if the other person is trustworthy、that it is necessary to grasp the tacit understanding of the region。breaking the promises of each other's regions and cultures、It's not like I'm...
My father carried out terrorism in america.、that it's the son's true story。His half-life is depicted.。It would have been a hard life... He seems to have chosen the path of empathy, peace and non-violence.。Involving various people、Trust the world、I want to live without hating people.。...
著者はタイのバンコクを経由してとても危険なソマリアへ行った。ソマリ人は知られているのが然程少なく暗意含めて作者の片想いの人らしい。アフリカ東部は危険なのかしら 梁山泊があり、ランドクルーザーは舗装されていない道を進めるように考えら…
数学者の著者が人間の恋愛パターンを数学で解き明かそうという本。TEDというのはTechnology Entertainment DesignというNPOで、TEDトークというプレゼンテーションなど様々なことを行っているらしい。TE…