A variety of daily
A work depicting the crisis of the earth。It makes me think about the relationship between parents and children.。The story of the second half was interesting.。Surprised by the bookshelf。I liked The Expression, too.。...
Books about the mindset of young people these days。仮想的有能感と自尊感情が分けられているという。小学校では生徒たちも変わってきているらしい。僕は自己を省みようと思い、本書を読んだ。In the study.。共感が重要なのだ。Old、I took a lecture called Contemporary Education Theory ...
15Short Stories。Transporting the reader to a fantasy realm that emerges from the cracks in the everyday world。All of them were interesting。The novella is the door to hell found at the construction site of the Milan Metro。The story of what a journalist who visited to investigate the hell world saw。"Eggs" and "Luscious Night" are impressions ...
2009July 15 - (Date)New Speed VIP (Bulletin Board)
Sweet Sweats。Thank you for your life.。...
Tokyo is demanding the city for local people。You feel it is a Chiyoda-ku Park.、I hope to go to public places or the Palace Plaza、Also。Local people、I think people outside?。Rich people don't care。At last、帰属が追い出されたときは気をつけましょう。...
宇野常寛さんが出版している本。It also produces a program called Slow Internet.。There were many useful things written about。Hatena Bukuma→ twitter is a hotbed of bullying and bullying happens because it is semi-anonymous、完全匿名だといじめが起こらないテレビムラとtwite…
An interesting relationship between calories and price。And to write a conclusion、Better if you don't have money you ate Gummy。[First law-calorie price tag: $ $ calories.
【作り方】①豚肉は一口大に切り、Cut the wipes into slices.。Thinly sliced leeks diagonally、にんにくはみじん切りにする②フライパンに油を熱してにんにくをいため、Pork、they take a wipe。add 醬 and blend in the taste。ねぎを入れる③うどんを加えて…