Peer-peer videos at the South Pole

野尻 抱介 (Written by) / KEI (Illustrations) Hayakawa Shobo (Publishing House) / ハヤカワ文庫JA 2012年2月23日 (Release date) Bunko (Format) ピアピア動画というどこかで聞いたようなWebサービスが題名に入っているSF小説あとがきの解説によると著者は尻Pという有名なニコ厨の人らしい「南極点のピアピア動画」「コンビニエンスなピアピア動画」「歌う潜水艦とピアピア動画」「星間文明とピアピア動画」という4つの作品が連作になっているそれぞれの作品が同じ世界観でつながりを持っており時間軸も4つがそのまま順番になっている。 Interesting。 最後のほうは夢中で読んだSF小説だけあって科学技術の難しい用語も多いがネットやニコ動のネタがあったりして楽しめた僕が特におもしろかったのはやっぱり最後の「星間文明とピアピア動画」かな小隅レイの姿をしたあーやきゅあはかわいいこんな惑星探査機なら大歓迎だ。 Also、今までの3つのエピソードが絡み合ってこういう展開になるとは思わなかったそれぞれは無関係なエピソードではなかったんだな。 And、この最後のエピソードではピアンゴの山上会長というこれまたどこかで見たような人物が登場する他のピアンゴ社員にも元になった人物がいるのかもしれないがそこまでは僕は分からなかった本書ではピアピア動画が動画配信サービスの老舗で国内回線トラフィックの30%を占めていると書かれている社会を動かすほどのかなりの影響力をもったサイトみたいだCGMとしていろいろな人材も集まってきている現実のニコニコ動画はと言えば最近元気がないみたい僕が思うに技術で世界を変えていくのはGoogleというイメージだもんなぁ… これからニコ動がどのように復活するのかそれともこのまま人気がなくなっていくのか気になるところだな

The Door to Summer

Robert A. Heinline (Written by) / Masami Fukushima (Translation) Hayakawa Shobo (Publishing House) / ハヤカワ文庫SF 2010年1月25日 (Release date) Kindle version (Format) Sci-fi works by overseas artists。 The main character, Daniel Boone Davis (Dan), is a mechanical engineering engineer.、He was running the company with his best friend Miles and his lover Belle.。 But、She is betrayed by her two who got engaged to a friend and is taken over by the company.。 The hero who despaired、30Do you want to wake up in 2000 after 20 years of frozen sleep ?。 そこからストーリーが動き出していく・・・ SFだが、It was pretty easy to read in my impression.。 It's a happy ending at the end.、That's good.。 There were many things that left an impression on me.。 That's one of the scenes where the main character speaks as an engineer.。 Engineers don't have to be mathematical physicists.、If the surface is blurred enough to be applied to the actual surface, it will be enough for use.。 After that, industrial technology is a technology that is more in accordance with the present than anything else.、It is said that it often suffers from the technical level of the age in general than the talent of one engineer.。 Maybe that's the way it is.。 Besides、What was interesting was the scene where the main character provoked Dr. Twitchell.。 "What's your paper?、That's nothing that's been forbidden.、I was spelled out in a file that put useful tank papers.。 And、The Defense Department guys.、時々引っ張り出しちゃおもしろがってまわし読みしてるんだ」 (9章電子書籍のためページ数不明) この後も主人公がトウィッチ博士をバカにするこれには笑ったw ちゃんと「埋もれた天才」という本を出版してあげないといけないな。 Also、I was touched by the letter from John Sutton.。 Meet someone as good as John.、The main character was lucky.。 At last、He says he has to send his cat Pete to long frozen sleep.、ピートが死んでしまうということかな? それとも、Until treatment that extends the life span in the future is possible、Do you want me to sleep?。 I thought it would be nice if Pete could discover the door to summer。

Kreutzer Sonata / Devil

Tolstoy (Written by) / Takuya Hara (Translation) Shinchosha (Publishing House) / Shincho Bunko June 16, 1952 (Release date) Kindle version (Format) Works of Russian writers。 Includes two novellas.。 "Kreutzer Sonata" is about a man who meets on a train and tells his past to the protagonist.。 The man did not have a good marriage with his wife.、Eventually, I was jealous that my wife was cheating on me.、I took my wife into my own hands。 The song played by the wife and the man who cheated on her together is the Kreutzer Sonata.。 There is no such thing as a lasting affection for one person、Marriage is a deception、Or the man who committed the crime of coercion speaks。 Also、I became a prodigal and degenerated into a hobbyist.、Say you've progressed to ruin。 Libido is the strongest of all desires.、It was also written that all a man needs is a woman's body.。 It was written quite radically, but、I thought I could understand that idea.。 When you get married, your libido is satisfied、Love seems to fade。 When you have children, you have to raise them.、Maybe we won't be able to afford to say it's love.。 I guess I still have to marry someone I want to be with.。 However,、The protagonist had a marriage with his wife full of fights.、Still, I felt that I was jealous of my wife's infidelity.。 "Devil" is a protagonist who loves his wife、Aroused lust for a woman with whom he had a relationship in the past、It's a story about self-loathing that makes you despair and self-blame.。 Lost in libido、I am worried that I am about to betray my wife who loves me.、Headed for ruin。 It captures the protagonist and does not let go of the woman who plays with his past as the devil.。 I thought it would have been better to be honest with my wife and tell her everything.、It's a difficult place.。 I thought I had to give in to my temporary desires so that I wouldn't regret it in the future.。 According to the afterword、"The Devil" is said to have a strong Tolstoy personal novel color.。 Therefore, I was considerate of my wife.、It seems that it was not issued during Tolstoy's lifetime.。 Tolstoy、Sexual desire is a variety of misfortunes in human life、He seemed to think it was the source of tragedy.。 I'll use this as a warning phrase for me to be careful。

a long day in June

Roger Grunier (Written by) / Minoru Yamada (Translation) Mizu Shobo (Publishing House) / Lettres 2001年2月 (Release date) Hardcover (Format) フランスの作家の作品ストーリーは年老いた主人公のルネ・ラングラードが女友達のローリス・ファリレエフとともに友人だったシモン・ファーブル=レスコーのことを回想するというもの名門出でお金もあるシモンはだんだんと没落していき姿を消してしまったアフリカに向かったという噂を残してシモンの人生を彩った女性たちがルネたちの記憶の中から現れては消えていく訳者あとがきにまとめられているものが要約として分かりやすかったフランスでの第二次世界大戦直後の高揚感とその後の日常生活の虚ろさシモンはとうとう何も成し遂げられなかったのだろうかそしてシモンの人生をリライトしているだけなのではないかと自問する主人公のルネルネは自身の挫折感と冷淡な性格にときおり押しつぶされそうになるというこの前読んだグルニエの作品でも老年期に入った主人公が自分の人生を振り返っていた将来後悔しないように今を生きないといけないな主人公のルネと友人のシモンは小説家になると言っていたが結局作品を書き上げることはできなかった人生はあっという間なんだな僕も酔生夢死などとならないようにやりたいことには積極的にチャレンジしていこうと思った。 … Continue readinga long day in June

Black Clown

Roger Grunier (Written by) / Minoru Yamada (Translation) Mizu Shobo (Publishing House) / Lettres 1999年1月 (Release date) Hardcover (Format) French literature。 Easy to read with crisp reading length、I felt a little cut.。 The story proceeds with the story of the ayronical protagonist。 It's about the lives of several men and women who grew up in the small town of Poe, France.。 From my child's age、第2次世界大戦が起こった1940年頃の成人期?が描かれ最後には主人公は年老いていくあとがきの解説にも書かれているように、11月のサン=マルタンの縁日に現れる黒いピエロと回るメリーゴーラウンドが時の流れを感じさせて印象的だったかつてパリのメニルモンタンの坂を越えるためだけに路面電車を引くことを繰り返す馬と人間がいたという「それ以来坂道を上って次の電車を待つためにまた下りて行くそればかりを繰り返している馬と人間のことが頭にこびりついて離れないのです」 (p.112) 35歳の主人公は自分の人生が彼らとどこか似たところがあると考えるちょっともの悲しいそんなに自己評価が高いほうではない僕でも自分の人生は同じ坂を上り続けるだけのものではなく自分で変えていけるものだと思うけどな。 Well、そのためには僕自身がもっと創造的生産的なことをしていかないといけないが。 At last、年老いた主人公は自分の人生を振り返るそして自身を「時代の敗北者」だったと語る時代を正しいものと感じられずに孤立を感じた主人公。 But、そのおかげで難を半ば免れたと小さな安らぎを得るのだった明るい話ではないがそんなに悲しいわけでもなく情緒を感じる読後感だった一歩引いたような主人公の語りのせいかなこの小説を読んで自分の人生の終わりに僕だったらどんなことを感じるだろうかと思った後悔して終わるのはちょっと残念なので多少なり満足して終われるように日々がんばっていこうかな!

Just like humans

Kobo Abe (Written by) Shinchosha (Publishing House) / 新潮文庫 1976年5月4日 (Release date) Bunko (Format) 安部公房のSF小説短いのでサクッと読めたストーリーは「こんにちは火星人」というラジオ番組の脚本家(主人公)の家に火星人を名乗る男が訪ねてくるというもの火星人を主張する男の目的が何なのか最後まで分からず不気味だった最初は分裂症(統合失調症)の患者なのだろうとたかをくくっていた主人公だがだんだんと男の話術に惑わされていく… 読み進めているうちに僕も少し混乱してきた証拠がない限りはどんな可能性でも残されているという僕が地球人なのか地球病にかかった火星人なのかは分からないわけだこの男も本当に火星人なのかもしれないし火星病にかかったただの地球人かもしれない文中の言葉を借りると「トポロジー神経症」というやつらしいしかし僕は現代科学のほうを信じたいと思う今のところ火星には生きてる生物が見つかっていないわけだから火星人なんていないのだこの男と妻は精神病にかかっており主人公は感化されて自らも精神を病んでしまったといことなのだろうあまり考えすぎると深みにはまっていってよくない科学も間違っていることはあるだろうが当面は科学で正しいと思われていることを信じて生きていくのが僕の性分に合ってるなと思った

Fourth interglacial period

Kobo Abe (Written by) Shinchosha (Publishing House) / Shincho Bunko November 27, 1970 (Release date) Bunko (Format) It seems to be a science fiction novel。 It was written in 1959.。 The Prediction Machine、Trying to predict everything about a man's future。 However, a man is involved in an incident ... The story that。 Suddenly、I was surprised when people talked about aquatic mammals.、It was tied to the meaning of the title.。 Interglacial period seems to refer to a period when the climate is temperate.。 The author is、It seems that he wanted to depict a future that appears in a break from the sense of continuity of everyday life.。 Beyond the future、It is nothing but a future society that appeared like a "thing"。 It's inherently cruel.、They say that we today cannot judge the future by saying that it is a utopia or hell.。 On the contrary、It seems that the future judges the present.。 If so、Rather than trying to change the future、Maybe we should think about how we should adapt to the future。 There are often stories about the protagonist resisting and struggling to change the future.、In this book、The future has crushed the protagonist。 It is said to be the death of a sense of continuity in everyday life.。 Because you never know what's going to happen in the future、I thought maybe I shouldn't be slumbering in my daily life.。


Paul Auster (Written by) / Motoyuki Shibata (Translation) Shinchosha (Publishing House) / 新潮文庫 1995年3月1日 (Release date) Bunko (Format) ポール・オースターの小説彼の名を広めた「ニューヨーク3部作」の第2作目だというストーリーはとある私立探偵に奇妙な依頼が舞い込むというものある男を見張ってほしいというのだ。 But、その男は毎日何かを書き読んでいるだけだんだんと探偵は落ち着かなくなりとうとう行動を開始する… 文庫で120ページくらい短いのでサクッと読んだ登場人物にブルーとかホワイトとかブラックとか色の名前がつけられているのが印象的だった最初読んだときはストーリーがちょっと分からなかったのだが巻末の解説を読んでよく分かった解説は大事だなホワイト/ブラックもおかしなことを考えるものだ自分が生きているあかしとしてブルーを必要としたようだが孤独だったのかな途中で1度だけ登場した女性とも別れたのだろうかそれにしても巻き込まれたブルーの怒りはもっともだと思ったドッキリじゃないんだからこういう奇妙なことはやめてもらいたいよなブルーは前向きで強い性格の持ち主だったから不安な状況にもまどわされることがなかったのだろう

Bin man

Kobo Abe (Written by) Shinchosha (Publishing House) / Shincho Bunko May 2005 (Release date) Bunko (Format) I read Box Man。 It is a novel by Kobo Abe, who wrote "Sand Woman" and others.。 What、It is said that there is a "box man" wearing a cardboard box roaming around the city.。 The story begins by explaining how to make a box with a peephole。 It's interesting to imagine walking around the city wearing a cardboard box from head to waist.。 But、It seems that the existence of a box man is not such a cute thing。 When you look at the box man、People turn a blind eye.、It is said that it is distracting。 Before、I've had conversations with people wearing masks and sunglasses.。 I felt restless somehow.。 I can't read the other person's expression from here.、They can see me one-sidedly.。 I wonder if the feeling of the person who found the box man is the same as that.。 The box man can see without being seen.。 Also、About Box Man、It seems that we have to be careful not to be too conscious。 In this book, a person named A who succumbed to the temptation became a box man himself.。 afterwards、The story changes from chapter to chapter and becomes difficult to understand。 About that、It was written in an easy-to-understand manner in the afterword commentary.。 By reversing the position of seeing and being seen along the story、The speaker was changing.。 If you say so, I was convinced.。 There's a lot going on and out.。 It was an interesting novel.。


Paul Auster (Written by) / Motoyuki Shibata (Translation) Shinchosha (Publishing House) 1999In December (Release date) Hardcover (Format) Author Paul Auster's novel。 Had I not read works of Paul Auster。 Old、But I feel like any piece of borrowed at the library、Do not remember well。 So read the book called the Leviathan became concerned about the time。 "Leviathan" is titled writer Benjamin Sachs finally complete with a character that did not book。 According to the PostScript translator、And also the same as the title of the book on the theory of the modern State by Thomas Hobbes、In many ways the author put this novel titled "Leviathan"。 And what was said、The protagonist Peter self-fashioning talks about the guy friend of Benjamin Sachs。 Sachs was actually blew up the statue of liberty in the United States of "phantom" (the Phantom of liberty)。 Attracted interest title with an exciting catch copy、But I read this novel.、Was different from what was expected。 "SAX recognises the FBI investigation into the incident、What is his motivation?、And he continued to follow the monster Leviathan... "that was not what you。 The main character and SAX、Complicated women who surround them、Deployment that takes up 2/3 of the book?。 And、By chance piling a variety、Sachs becomes the Phantom of Freedom and dies... Among them, a woman named Maria Turner was the key to various cases.、Feel that Hoodoo。 The person in question is intended、What's the women often cause the trouble, though not to?。 The moral of this book、"Troubles keep away from women" is that?。 That being said、He sometimes insane, start thinking in the lower body,。 I also like to eat a。 Also、Took turns the saxophone was a certain accident。 In a shocking incident and accident、Can humans change dramatically overnight? I think it takes a lot of energy for people to change.。 I usually want to change、Easy, no change。 Efforts need to be、Exceedingly long hours without、Environmental change may be necessary.。 Input of the experience may be、Is not changing people。 But、And momentarily due to the energy boom and a shocking experience、Over the years, little affected by energy、As the total amount the same?。 Accidents like the great experience on the border、Maybe they have changed their Outlook on life。 I'm so far、I want to change my desire not。 Change is okay。

Catcher in the Rye

J.D. Salinger (Written by) / Takashi Nozaki (Translation) Shiramizusha (Publishing House) / 白水Uブックス 1984年5月20日 (Release date) New book (Format) Famous Novels。 It was a long time ago that I read it.、There are a lot of scenes that I remember.。 The story is about Holden, the main character who was released from high school in Japan, and wanders around the city.。 There are two scenes that I like、Both are where Phoebe, the main character's sister, comes out.。 1The main character who sneaked home suddenly starts crying in front of his sister.。 Phoebe puts her arm around my neck、I put my arm around her body again、After all, I couldn't cry for a long time.。 (中略) いやあ、Poor thing、I'm so sleeping at Phoebe.。 (p.279-280) 主人公を懸命になだめようとする妹のフィービーに母性を感じますね。 Holden had a lot of trouble, too.。 I had the impression that my life was empty.。 I haven't seen my sister in a long time.、泣くことを我慢することができなかったのかな… 2つめはホールデンが回転木馬に乗ったフィービーを見てると雨が急に降りだすシーン。 Watch Phoebe go round and round、Suddenly、I felt so happy.。 (中略) ただ、Phoebe.、Wearing a blue over or something、Whirled、Whirled、The figure that continues to go around、It just looked a little beautiful.。 (p.330) どしゃ降りの雨に濡れながら、Holden, who was watching Phoebe, suddenly felt happy.。 It's an impressive scene in me.。 When I read it, the scene comes to mind.。 It's like Holden, who doesn't get along well, feels that he has affection for his sister Phoebe.。 Look at the innocent Phoebe.、Moment、I wonder if my feelings were called up.。 Holden's the last.、He's in the hospital.、I want you to do your best for the next life.。 Is it peculiar to puberty that he doesn't get used to society well?、Or maybe it's because of illness.、I think it's going to get better and better if I'm alive.。

Sorrows of Young Werther

Goethe (Written by) / Yoshitaka Takahashi (Translation) Shinchosha (Publishing House) / Shincho Bunko March 2, 1951 (Release date) Bunko (Format) The main character, Werther, meets a woman、Although in love with her、She has a marriage partner ... The story that。 Werther is the woman、Out of love for Lotte、Worrying alone。 And finally、A tragic end awaited。 10When I read this book for the first time as a teenager, I remember being very sympathetic to Werther.。 When I read it now that I'm older than then,、I didn't feel as vivid as I used to be.。 Well、Maybe that's what it means to be an adult.。 No matter how much you like someone、You can't always be with that person.。 However,、Calling Lotte an Angel、I thought that human thinking has not changed now or in the past.。

The Life of Kappa and Ora-Akuma

  芥川 龍之介 (Written by) Shinchosha (Publishing House) / 新潮文庫 1968年12月15日 (Release date) Bunko (Format) 本巻には表題の短編「河童」が収められている「河童」は次のように始まるこれは或精神病院の患者第二十三号が誰にでもしゃべる話である(p.66) ある男が河童の国へ行ってきたというのだ。 But、その男は今は正気を疑われて精神病院に入院している僕は本当に河童の国があったのかもと思って読んでいたが終盤になると河童の友達が持って来てくれたという黒百合の花束が存在しなかったり電話帳を河童の国で出版された詩集だと言ったりと状況が怪しくなってくるやっぱり河童の国なんてものはなくこの男は精神を病んでいたのだろうファンタジーを現実と錯覚させるかのような不思議な魅力のある小説だった。 However,、このような小説を書くなんて著者の芥川龍之介も病んでいたんだなぁ昔は今みたいにいい薬もなかっただろうし病気になると大変だっただろう著者は1927年に亡くなったとのことで約90年前か現代社会では何かと精神が疲れることが多いが昔から同じようなことはあったんだなと感じた