Wild fish

井伏 鱒二 (Written by) Shinchosha (Publishing House) / 新潮文庫 1948年1月15日 (Release date) Bunko (Format) 12編の短編集主に著者の初期作品の代表作らしい。 I read it as a flip、僕は表題作が気に入ったな岩屋から外へ出られなくなった山椒魚をユーモラスに描いているこの動物について僕は全然詳しくないがなんとなくのんきな印象を持つので閉じ込められちゃうやつもいるのかもしれないと思った。 The rest、巻末に書かれていた亀井勝一郎さんの『「山椒魚」について』という文章がよかった。 … Continue readingWild fish

The Time Machine

H. G. Wells (Written by)AmazonClassics (Publishing House)2017On August 22. (Release date)Kindle version (Format) The author's famous science fiction novels。The protagonist who invented the time machine is、80Going to the future ten thousand years from now。The changed appearance of humanity that I saw there、The story that he is shocked。僕は過去本書を読んだのだが、3At the beginning of the chapter, I stopped reading when the protagonist went to the future。I wonder if this is an old novel, so it is difficult to read.。Let's read the English version again。Time travelers feel cool。


角田 光代 (Written by) Shinchosha (Publishing House) / 新潮文庫 2010年1月28日 (Release date) Bunko (Format) 著者の本を初期手にした様々な作品を書いているみたいミツザワ書店のおばあちゃんはすごい作者は高齢なのかと思案したがまだ婦人でおられますのね要チェックすべし作家である巻末をちらりと読む発行者という欄があると気づく新潮社はヤバイな隆興を勝ち得る出版元であろう童貞諸氏はKONRINZAI筆者の本を読んではならぬ…。 … Continue readingSearch

Your Life Story

Ted Chiang (Written by), Hisashi Asakura (Translation)Hayakawa Shobo (Publishing House)2012August 25 - (Release date)Kindle version (Format) Famous works that have also been made into movies。The story proceeds with the monologue of the linguist Louise。It was interesting.。I also enjoyed the other novels of the title story.。There was a short story called The Tower of Babylon, but it represents the Tower of Babel.。There was also a work that used it as a motif in Bruegel's paintings.。In my university's English textbook, Bruegel's work called "The Proverbs of the Low Countries" was used as the subject.。

Underground Travel

Jules Verne (Written by), Koji Asahina (Translation)Iwanami Shoten (Publishing House) / 岩波文庫1997年2月17日 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) Verne's masterpiece。The alchemist's parchment said that Icelandic volcanoes could reach the center of the earth。The protagonists embark on a journey to the depths of the earth。Old、アイスランドへ行った知り合いから本をもらったが、A mountain called Snæfellsjökull was the beginning of this journey。I read this book with excitement.。It is a novel in which the author's extensive knowledge is demonstrated everywhere.。

Transformation and fasting performer

Kafka (Written by), Hajime Yamashita (Translation), Manri Yamashita (Translation)Iwanami Shoten (Publishing House) / Iwanami Bunko September 16, 2004 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) Works of the author, a famous twentieth-century literary figure。It's a novel that has struck a chord with the population.。Gregor Zamza, a mediocre salesman, comes out of a dream、The story of discovering yourself transformed into a giant poisonous insect。An absurd tragedy occurs in the daily life of an ordinary family。I remember the last scene。I read the Kadokawa Bunko edition.、I read the first part、I haven't read the second part。

Yoshikazu Earless

Yakumo Koizumi (Written by)Orion Books (Publishing House)2013October 25 - (Release date)Kindle version (Format) A novel by Lafcadio Hearn, also known as Yakumo Koizumi。A foreigner living in Shimane Prefecture、He is a famous novelist who has written many ghost stories.。There were various levels of visually impaired people in the Edo period.。Among them, the highest rank is the inspection school.。It seems that there was a person called Yatsuhashi Kengaku。There is a famous saying that if the wind blows, the oke shop will make a profit.、This has become a syllogism。When the wind blows, the number of blind people increases.、Shamisen needed、Catching cats increases the number of mice.、It means that you will gnaw at the tub and ruin it.。 三段論法をもう一つ考えてみた鉱山が見つかれば識字率が上がる鉱山が見つかれば労働者が働いて聾人が増えて写経をするすると本が流通し子供たちが字を読めるようになるという事だ

Sophie's World on

Jostein Goldel (Written by), Kayoko Ikeda (Translation), Akira Suda (Supervision)NHK Publishing (Publishing House)2011May 26 - (Release date)Kindle version (Format) Novels that will teach you philosophy。It's a famous work。I also read it with interest。It's a book you'll want to have on hand。The dedication reads:。 Those who can't talk about the past 3,000 years、気づきもないまま真っ暗な暗闇の中で毎日を生きていく ゲーテ(電子書籍のためページ数不明) その通りかもしれないな。The sentence in the first chapter is also recalled.。 Anyway、いつか何かが無から生まれたはず(エデンの園 電子書籍のためページ数不明) ビッグバンという事だろう。Another thing that left an impression on me was Socrates.、Aristotle、Cant etc.。A friend of mine also mentioned this story as his favorite novel.。Alberto is cool。

The Stand 1

Stephen King (Written by) / Mariko Fukamachi (Translation) Bungei Shunshu (Publishing House) / Bunshun Bunko April 7, 2004 (Release date)Bunko (Format) Masterpiece Feature。A world destroyed by Superflu。Depicts survivors who gather under good and the struggle of evil to aim for them。It is frightening to see the social order disappear。I read on, pounding。The only ones left alive are Stu and Franny.。Glenn、nick、It's a pity that Tom and others have passed away.。Trash can man is impressive。Randle Flagg appears in other films。


Stephen King (Written by) / Fusa Koo (Translation)Bungei Shunshu (Publishing House) / Bunshun Bunko FourPastMidnight July 9, 1999 (Release date)Bunko (Format) Horror Novels。1The main character on the plane at dawn。However, when he woke up, all the passengers had disappeared.。The last scene Nick saw was... I'm impressed by Toomey.。When I first read this book, I thought adults had a hard idea.。However, as I grow older, I understand Toomey's feelings more or less.。Not like a spring。I don't think crime should be done.。The other is about a novelist being suspected of plagiarism.。It was also made into a movie under the title Secret Window.。Both were interesting。

Centennial mud

Yuka Ishii (Written by)Shinchosha (Publishing House) / Shincho Bunko August 1, 2020 (Release date) Kindle version (Format) South India、Novel set in Chennai。It seems to have won the Akutagawa Prize。I feel that novels set abroad are rare。A woman who was assigned to Chennai as a Japanese teacher at an overseas branch office。100The Adaiyar River flooded by an annual flood。A strange phenomenon occurred after the flood.。 I thought the author was familiar with India.。インドというと昔読んだ本が思い起こされる。Mr. Takano is banned from entering India。Could I have been blacklisted?。Also、India is famous for yoga。I'm good at the pari vrutta alda chandrasana called the twisted half-moon pose.、I want to try more difficult poses。Curry is also famous。Nakamuraya is the birthplace of Indian curry。


朝井 リョウ(Written by)Shinchosha (Publishing House) / 新潮文庫 2015年7月1日 (Release date) Kindle version (Format) 就職活動を題材にした小説直木賞受賞作らしい映画化もしたようだ主人公の拓人は友人の光太郎瑞月理香等と就職活動対策の集まりをする。And、就職活動を進めていくうちにいろいろな事が起こるのだった最後の方の展開には驚いた文章をぐいぐい読ませる勢いがあったな。 Also、主人公の後半の面接での言葉が僕は印象的だった就活で自分自身の事がよく分からなくなる事があると思うのだ業界職種志望動機を考えるうちに混乱してしまうメンタルが大事なのだろうかサワ先輩事沢渡さんの言葉も記憶に残る想像力というのも必要なのだろう言葉の向こうにいる人間の事を考えるのが良い氷河期世代という言葉があったがコロナ世代という事だろう面接を渡り歩くのかしら

Don quixote

Cervantes (Written by) / Ushijima Nobuaki Iwanami Shoten (Publishing House) / Iwanami Shonen Bunko June 16, 2000 (Release date) Bunko (Format) 16It was the literature of the century, but it was interesting because it seemed to be still relevant to the present day.。I feel like this book was well put together.。There was such a thing as a chivalric novel.。Don Quixote de Ramancha and his cousin Sancho Pansha、The story of the horse and donkey was interesting.。I wonder what it is like to return to sanity.。It's a sad end, but。