String beans fall。Curry makes crispy。...
A variety of daily
String beans fall。Curry makes crispy。...
One day、I headed to the supermarket bathhouse.。It felt good in the hot temperature。I got Dr Pepper when I went home after sweating。Headed to the car。On the way to the car、I saw a carp swimming in a pond。The day was warm、I had left my coat in the car。The camera is also in the car ...
I read 43 books this month。...
久しぶりに日記を書きます。この写真を撮った人は16歳らしい若い人すごいわ…世の中にはとてもすごい人がいると分かった3日前。RememberNovember 28, 2017。I'll do my best, too.。Words I often say these days、Good luck。ちゃんと行動するからなー…
I haven't exercised in a long time today。Walking, but。Considering that I was tired and slept after coming back, I felt that I was not strong enough.。Well, because there is nothing to do.、Because it's getting colder.、There is also the idea of sleeping in a futon.。...
本を読んでブログを作ってみたけど、I don't have much to write about。何を書こうかな~画像はPixabayってサイトからもらってきました。All the images on this site are free to use.、Amazing right。...