
One day、I headed to the supermarket bathhouse.。 It felt good in the hot temperature。 I got Dr Pepper when I went home after sweating。 Headed to the car。 On the way to the car、I saw a carp swimming in a pond。 The day was warm、I had left my coat in the car。 The camera is also in the car。 I put Dr Pepper on my coat.、I went to the pond with my camera in one hand。 When I took a picture of the carp and returned to the car、I dropped Dr Pepper on the floor by impetus。 I opened the pull tab of the can because I thought I had to drink it quickly.。 Then Dr Pepper erupted.。 coat、camera、The car became sweeter。 When you drop a carbonated beverage、1Better to wait for time。 It's not Mentos Cola, it's Coat Pepper。

You Need a Rest

精神を病んで入院していたのだが退院したー。 1年半以上おかしな行動をしていたわけで怖いやら恥ずかしいやら病気が恐ろしいよく元気になったな結構急激に良くなったらしくしかし入院は大変服薬して回復に努めます病院関係者の方々家族に感謝お世話になりました。 The rest、迷惑をかけた人に謝罪をしないと申し訳ないです本当にすみませんでした! こういう時はどうすればいいのか もうおかしいことはしませんわ馬鹿なことばかりしたわけで 意志疎通が出来なくなっていたな。 Anyway、I'll do my best, too.。 今日という日を迎えられて嬉しい

Anywhere (city)

FelixMittermeier / Pixabay I write a diary after a long time。 The person who took this picture seems to be 16 years old. 3 days ago when I realized that there are very amazing people in the world。 RememberNovember 28, 2017。 I'll do my best, too.。 Words I often say these days、Good luck。 I'll act properly.


geralt / Pixabay I haven't exercised in a long time today。 Walking, but。 Considering that I was tired and slept after coming back, I felt that I was not strong enough.。 Well, because there is nothing to do.、Because it's getting colder.、There is also the idea of sleeping in a futon.。 I've been reading a book lately.、There are books that are easy to read and books that are difficult to read.、Books that are difficult to read have a hard time progressing through the pages and fall asleep.。 I need to find something to get me hooked on.、It may be a waste of time just to sleep。

I made a blog.

MichaelGaida / Pixabay I read a book and made a blog.、I don't have much to write about。 I don't know what to write ~ I got the image from a site called Pixabay。 All the images on this site are free to use.、Amazing right。