Bill Skarsgard (Cast), Jayden Liebaher (Cast)
Andy Muschieti (Director)
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (Sold from)
2018August 8, 2016 (Release date)
Blu‑ray (Format)
The story begins with a series of child disappearances in a rural town.。
The main character Bill's brother George also dies from the days of heavy rain。
27It appears every other year, and it is called Pennywise, a dancing clown.、It is said that it is a monster that turns into the one that the other party fears most.。
It's the story of the Losers Club confronting the "IT" that has been obsessed with the town for centuries.。
Chapter 1 is the story of seven children。
I read the original when I was in high school, but I've already forgotten the contents.。
George, who was so shrewd with a small boat...
I ❤️ The turtle in the balloon of DERRY、I feel like this was in a book.。
In the original story, my childhood was in 1958.、Is this movie in 1989?。
Where George Disappeared、Ironworks、And the Black Spot。
The place where the incident took place is connected by a sewer.。
It seems to be the house of the well in the center.。
I remember eduging Bill to fix his stuttering.。
He Thrusts His Fists Against the Posts and Still-Still-Here Sees the Ghosts.
He pressed his fist against the pillar.、assert that he saw a ghost
(Bill's lines)
Beverley's strong.、Bill did his best, too.。
Finally, the seven of them hold hands in the wasteland.、There was a ring.。
Chapter 2 is a story from adulthood。
272016、The six people gathered in Delhi decided to look for their childhood memories.。
It's a shame Stanley couldn't come...
The phantoms that "IT" shows, or the monsters、There was a shock like Paul Banyan.。
The scene where Bill reunites with The Silver of his favorite car is a little moving.。
They perform a tude ritual to defeat the "IT"、There's a danger to Eddie.
The ending was a little different from the original, and I was deeply moved to remember my childhood.。
I went to see it somehow, but it was interesting.。
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