Kinkakuji Temple

Yukio Mishima Shinchosha / Shincho Bunko October 28, 2020 (Release date) Bunko (Form of issuance) A novel based on an incident where we met in real life。 siamcop / Pixabay It's 1950。 Young monk's、Of the child of fate who carried the handicap on his back、An indelible curse to life and、Therefore, the soul is taken away by the magic of the beauty of the Golden Pavilion.、Eventually, it is an illusion and a tragedy that leads to the heart。 The author was writing this kind of novel.。 If you only think about beauty、Man constantly clashes with the darkest ideas in the world.。That's probably how humans are made。 (p.62) 僕は金閣寺を見た事がない。 I wonder if it's beautiful。 清水寺には行った事があるな。 Reading this work reminded me of Van Gogh。 A genius painter who took his life。 In the afterword was Hideo Kobayashi's theory。 I don't feel like a pyromanisker is a stranger.、The review article has sweat marks.。 The author felt the same way.。僕も思わずにはいられない。The novel was written in the form of a monk's confession.。 It's a genre of social fiction.。 I thought about it too。 第五回WBCでエラーをしてしまった選手。 The team suffered defeat partly because of that.。 He has the support of his family and is revived.。 A story of rebirth and jubilation。 Continuous wide-area robberies。 The protagonist struggles to clear the victim's heart.。 Police found the perpetrator was in the Philippines。 Overseas Hunt Hunt Operations Begins.。 This book is said to have been the account of the author's entire youth.。 There is a word "youth"。 Also called Aoharu。 Isn't there a wind that is being deceived by it?。 Shunshun was my youth.。 It's glory and all-nighters。 Still not disturbed。 It can be said that it is an old ki.。 Everyone goes out on sunny days。

Wake up, new people

大江健三郎 講談社 / 講談社文芸文庫 2014年11月28日 (Release date) E-book (Form of issuance) It is a series of short stories drawn through the medium of poetry.。 It seems to be considered by some to be the masterpiece of Japan literature.。 Sinking the definition of death behind the work、While expressing the casual daily life with family with fresh brushstrokes、Looking to the past and the future, he sought to regenerate human beings in times of crisis.。 Interesting。 According to the commentary、It seems that the author wanted to leave a collection of definitions for his son that would be a clue even after the death of his parent.。 It's a guidepost for the classics.。 Abe Kobo also、The situation you are in、It seems that there is no exit。 The author this spring、3He died on the 4th of May at the age of 88.。 We pray for the repose of his soul.。 Eeyore would be Iyo。 The author is from Ehime.。 I have crossed the Great Seto Bridge。 I want to visit Shikoku again。 An acquaintance of mine had a nephew who loved him。 「甥っ子は自分に責任がないから可愛い」 と彼は言う。 It would have been hard to raise Eeyore。 I also had last year、A nephew was born。 I gave gifts, but、I still didn't know how it felt.。 Anyway, I'm glad I was born safely。 I saw the news of the prime minister that he will pay full wages for paternity leave。 However,、Dads ride a crowded train with their children in their arms.、Maybe I have a future to go to work.。 But not destroyed from the inside by violent things、It is also true that we are forced to release ourselves violently to the outside、That the achievement of the third way is also possible.、Summer of defeat、Or maybe it was a dream、In a river where no one else can see、僕は想像のうちにとらえたのではなかったか? (p.221ーp.222) 平和を希求するという様だろう。 The author was born before the war.。 There was also an air raid in the town where I live.。 今年もまた夏がやってくる祖父の家に遊びに行って虫捕りをしたいメロンを食べて甲子園を見たいそんな日常が崩れてしまうのが戦争なのだ作者は反原発の人でもあった電気料金の値上げのニュースもある愛媛から広島はすぐ近くだ愛媛ではテレビで広島カープの試合が映るのかもしれないなサンフレッチェ広島はどうだろうマツダの本社もあるToby_Parsons / Pixabay 自動車の期間工は大変みたいです専用道路を一つ作って自転車を走らせたいものだ

Betty's Garden

Michiko Yamamoto Shinchosha / Shincho Bunko July 2, 2010 (Release date) Bunko (Form of issuance) 5Works with two short stories。 A little voluminous。 The title work is impressive.。 Betty, a war bride in Australia, is passionate about throwing parties with sailors.。 Eventually、The story of a change in Betty's life that depicts a longing for nostalgia。 It was interesting to learn about the situation overseas.。 Kids are cute。 12019 / Pixabay John looks great。 Okamisan and Dannasan。 War is thought-provoking。 Betty、I was building a kitchen garden in a corner of the garden.。 (p.480 e-book) I'm also interested in home gardening。 I want to try making bitter gourd。 Bitter melon, also known as the green curtain。 Rich in vitamin C and nutritious。 Vitamin C in bitter melon is said to have heat-resistant properties.。 Cucumbers are also delicious。 However,、Research has revealed that cucumbers contain components that destroy vitamin C.。 I would like to propose a dish using bitter gourd and cucumber.。 It's bitter gourd cucumber champloo。 Regeneration and destruction of vitamin C、Apocalypse。 Apocalypse、now。 I read the first part and think.、I think there are people overseas who know more about Japan than Japan people.。 Robert Campbell is probably the best example of this.。 Japan is a researcher of the classics。 I butched butch,。 Australia Dehakoalat Kangarooga Yumeides。 Mousugu Hina Matsurides。 OdairisamatoOhinasamashiawasesso。 Maybe it's a good idea to learn English through Western movies。


Riku Onda, Sobue Shin KADOKAWA / Kadokawa Bunko August 23, 2008 (Release date) Bunko (Form of issuance) Who told the truth? This is Obi's catch phrase。 That summer、Mass poisoning in the old house。 Through time、The true nature of the revealed malice。 Synopsis。 I read it a long time ago, so I remember、Write your impressions。 It was a mystery and interesting。 It's hard to solve the mystery。 The author likes Kanazawa。 There was a novel called Yesterday's World.、I suspect that the city of towers and waterways is also set in Kanazawa.。 Maybe there are other stories。 The author is Sendai、Akita、I'm moving around Ibaraki as a girl.。 I guess it's a transferee family.。 The setting for the evening picnic is Mito.。 Also、Kanazawa City actually has a waterway and water flows along the roadside.。 In this book Japan three major gardens appear, but the famous stone lantern may be the model of the tower.。 Guess it's also inspired by Kanazawa Station's hospitality dome.。 A long summer that has continued since that day。her、In the never-ending eternal summer。 (p.408) I deduce that Hisako was the culprit.。 StockSnap / Pixabay What color was the white flower in the room seen from the blue window?。 It's white。 If you think about it, you will understand。 The main character is tough。 The quote reminded me of a game called siren。 And who is the poison used in this article?。 Victims suffer considerably when poisoned。 The culprit is heinous。 The murder weapon may be aconite。 There was actually a false accusation of poisoning.。 Was that incident a labyrinth?。 Who is the culprit?。 You'll be punished by Enma-sama.。


Sumito Yamashita Shinchosha / Shincho Bunko, April 17, 2020 (Release date) Bunko (Form of issuance) The protagonist enters a training school for actors and screenwriters located in the valley。 I felt that the passage of time was unique。 In the commentary, it was written that it was a dream time.。 Remembered Warabius。 Warabiza is a theater company that lived in a group。 Local beer was famous。 It went bankrupt due to the influence of Corona.。 I've seen the Firebird on stage in Warabiza。 It was a lively and dynamic stage.。 The beer is also delicious。 Young Werther's troubles came into play in this film。 Yamashita is not lol pizza lol gobo。 Because it's funny and lanky。

"Again、I'm sure I'll see you."。

喜多川 泰 (Written by) サンマーク出版 (Publishing House) 2010November 18, 2010 (Release date) Hardcover (Format) 映画化した作品の原作なのかな。 No、Interesting。 高校生の少年のひと夏の旅の思い出… 旅は人を成長させますな人生で大事なのは努力だけでなく良い出会いも大切なのだなぁ主人公が出会った人たちの言葉が胸に響く僕も友人先輩後輩周りの人たちに感謝しないとこういう本を読むと僕ものんべんだらりと生きていないで頑張らねば!と思う。 Good、がんばるぞ~Continue reading"Again、I'm sure I'll see you."。

Nanase Again

Yasutaka Tsutsui (Written by) Shinchosha (Publishing House) / 新潮文庫 1978年12月1日 (Release date) Bunko (Format) 本屋さんで偶然手に取った本書を読んでみた興味関心はほとんどないのだが、Old、木曜の怪談という番組でドラマが放送されていた思い出がある。 I flipped and read。 超能力を持った主人公たちが世間との軋轢?によって破滅する物語かな僕的には男性が情欲にまみれており女性は性格が良くないものという風に描かれていたのが気になった世の中そのような男女ばかりでないのは確かだ主人公の七瀬は人運が悪いというか巡りあわせが悪かったな超能力者としての驕りがあったのだろうか。 … Continue readingNanase Again

Celebrating the half-life

Yuko Tsushima (Written by)Kodansha (Publishing House)2016年5月17日 (Release date)Hardcover (Format) 3編の短編が収められた本どれも興味深かった絶筆だという表題作はけっこう衝撃的だあり得べき30年後の二ホンの姿かぁアメリカでは文学が9.11をテーマとして様々な作品を生み出しているようだ僕は知らなかったのだが日本でも3.11に向き合った作家さんたちがいたのだな文学の底力を感じた気がする著者の他の作品も読んでみたくなった


森見 登美彦 (Written by) Shogakukan (Publishing House) 2016October 25 - (Release date) Hardcover (Format) 10年前に姿を消した1人の友人再び集まった主人公たちは旅先で出会った不思議な体験を語りだすとある画家が描いた連作絵画「夜行」がそこには関わっているらしいのだが…という話ところどころ怖かったがまぁあくまでフィクションだしリアルではなくファンタジー的な物語だ本の表紙がきれいだなと思った「夜行」と「曙光」では曙光のほうがいい夜型人間はよくないのだよ。 … Continue readingNight

The Realm of Light

Yuko Tsushima (Written by)Kodansha (Publishing House) / 講談社文芸文庫1993年9月10日 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) The swaying movement of a young female parent who is separated from her husband、It seems to be a work that expresses anxiety in a series of short films.。The story of one year in a bright room with windows in every direction。It's sunny and nice.。 I read it as a flip、I thought that the relationship between men and women in the world was troublesome and difficult.。It's not very familiar to me.。But as I read it, I was gradually drawn into the story.。確かに一人で仕事と子育てを両立させるのはハードなものだろう…あと、The professor's lines that appeared in the middle are assertive and interesting。I don't think that's necessarily the case.、The climate of this society、Does the atmosphere make you say so?。We need to change the society for the better.。 One thing I disagreed with was that:、The protagonist talks about the accident property、I didn't have the confidence to win.。It's not about winning or losing.、I think this world exists for the living living now.。I had read Rensuke Oshikiri's manga called Derodero, and I thought so.。It's reasonable to want to avoid properties with a reason.。

Snow Country

川端 康成 (Written by) Shinchosha (Publishing House) / 新潮文庫 2006年5月 (Release date) Bunko (Format) なんとなくこの著者の作品を読んでみた新日本風土記というテレビ番組の「雪の夜」を見たことがあるがそこで登場した新潟の風景が思い起こされた番組では江戸時代の名著であるという鈴木牧之さんの北越雪譜などが紹介されていたのだが本作の舞台はそのような世界なのだページをめくってみるとけっこうアダルトな小説という印象注解によると直接的な表現はないにもかかわらずだがこの行間の表現力がすごいところなのかあとラストがこんな感じだったとは解説を読むと本書は一般的には心理小説というものらしい三田誠広さんは耽美小説(幻想小説の1ジャンル?)と括っていて僕にはそっちのほうがしっくりくる気がするけども幻想的な女性像を描いているということかなこれまた注解によると主人公の島村は作者自身ではなく男としての存在ですらないというヒロインをうつす鏡のようなものとのこともともと幻想のヒロインありきで作られた小説なのだなどうりで島村の台詞はだんだんとハーレムアニメの主人公の台詞のように空虚になってくると思ったのだよ。 However,、鏡があってこそヒロインの美しさが際立つという気もする再び巻末の解説に書いてあったようにこのような傍観者的な目を持つ人物を登場させる作風が作者のスタイルなのかしら初心者の僕には分からないのであったこれが日本文学の代表作なのかぁ

A sad sound falling from the ceiling of a ray of light

耕 治人 (Written by)Kodansha (Publishing House) / 講談社文芸文庫1991年5月10日 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) 所謂命終3部作が収録された短編集だという著者は千家元麿さんという詩人に師事していたそうで千家さんの作品と思い出から師について読み解く作品が2作あと著者の私小説が4作載っていた淡々とした中に作者の人生の喜びと悲しみが感じられる静かな作品という印象だったな表題作はある日著者の生涯を貫いた「一条の光」についてと妻との最晩年の日々を描いた3部作の1篇だどちらも僕の心には感じるものがあった人間だれだってこれだ!と思うことにぶつかるものなのだ。3部作は著者が80歳になる直前から81歳で他界するまでの2年間に書かれたようで認知症老々介護デイホーム老人ホーム入院…と高齢化社会の現在の問題を先取りしたかのような時代性が感じられたラストで夫婦が再開する場面は会うことができてよかったなぁと思うこの本を読んで僕が今まで名前もよく知らなかったとある人の人生を垣間見た感じがする無数の人がこの世界にはいるわけだが人間という存在一人一人の人生には重みがあるな


貫井 徳郎 (Written by) 東京創元社 (Publishing House) / 創元推理文庫 2009年4月5日 (Release date) Bunko (Format) 映画化もされたというミステリー小説理想の家族に見えた一家が事件に巻き込まれる隣人友人らが語るエピソードを通して浮かび上がる彼らの人となりそして事件の真相は… 読みやすくて僕は一気に読んだ著者が描く人間関係のドロドロ感というか裏がある感じが気になって読み進めてしまうのかもしれない読んだあとはちょっと人間不信になると思った社会は僕が思っている以上に割り切れないモヤモヤした感じなのだろうか