Miracle Brain

Jill Bolt Taylor (Written by) / Kaoru Takeuchi (Translation)Shinchosha (Publishing House)2009February, 2010 (Release date)hardcover (Format) A book about the recovery of a brain anatomist (neuroanatomist) who suffered a stroke。 The author caused severe bleeding in the left hemisphere of the brain due to the language center of the left brain、Losing your sense of time。 It is surprising to hear that the cognitive function of the left brain gradually declines due to stroke.、I guess only I can write it myself。 afterwards、The author who got well after surgery and rehabilitation、8Did it take about a year?。 Also、After the illness, the consciousness of the right brain (intuitive type、Sensory type)、He says he has awakened to a new worldview.。 For people with similar diseases, the contents of this book、There may be something to be gained, such as the recommendations for recovery at the end of the book.。 I didn't have a stroke either.、Cognitive impairment? is somewhat felt、Well, it's not a big deal.、It will recover unexpectedly。 動画もあった。 If you have any signs of a stroke, call for help by phone immediately!

Physical disorders are cured from "neck lumps"、Is correct

三井 弘 (Written by) SBクリエイティブ (Publishing House) / SB新書 2015年1月16日 (Release date) New book (Format) 整形外科医の著者が首の健康を守ることの大切さについて書いた本とのこと肩こりや背中痛頭痛の背景に首の状態が関わっていることがあるというマッサージや整体を繰り返しても根本的な解決にはならないらしい首の老化は20代から始まり首を前に曲げたり下を向いたりと負担をかけるのはよくないみたいあごを引くのでなく少し上げたほうが首への負担が少ないということには驚いた平泳ぎも首に負担をかけるのかぁ… 首に良い生活習慣矯正方法は具体的にどういうものなのか? 気になった方は本書を読んでみるといいと思う分かりやすくてスラスラ読むことができためになった僕も首の健康について意識して生活していこう