Sentimental Kiss 1

Mikko Komori (Written by)Shueisha (Japan) (Publishing House) / Margaret ComicsAug 25, 2020 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) Yuna, a college student, meets high school student Hiwa at a club where she went to find her sister.。Yuna and Hiyori passing each other while thinking about each other。That's where the story begins.。The picture was cute.。I was surprised to think that Nana shoplifted。Dogs appear, but they look good.。The author wrote that he is not good at drawing dogs, but I think he is good。I also had a dog, so I felt nostalgic.。I'm looking forward to the next volume。There was also an extra edition of the previous work。

The plateau is happy just to look at

Kiyotaka Noda (Written by)Amazon Services International, Inc. (Sold from)2017June 14 - (Release date)Kindle version (Format) The 21st installment of the series I'm just happy to watch。All the photos were good。Tsugaike Kogen、Kamikochi、Kuju Flower Park、Ebino Plateau、Soni Kogen、Kuju Kogen、Shikoku Karst、Migahara、Sasagamine Kogen、Akiyoshidai is listed。36page、53page、140I liked the page。著者の「こころの書は見ているだけで幸せです」は著者の個人的な考えが見れて興味深い

Your Life Story

Ted Chiang (Written by), Hisashi Asakura (Translation)Hayakawa Shobo (Publishing House)2012August 25 - (Release date)Kindle version (Format) Famous works that have also been made into movies。The story proceeds with the monologue of the linguist Louise。It was interesting.。I also enjoyed the other novels of the title story.。There was a short story called The Tower of Babylon, but it represents the Tower of Babel.。There was also a work that used it as a motif in Bruegel's paintings.。In my university's English textbook, Bruegel's work called "The Proverbs of the Low Countries" was used as the subject.。

Underground Travel

Jules Verne (Written by), Koji Asahina (Translation)Iwanami Shoten (Publishing House) / 岩波文庫1997年2月17日 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) Verne's masterpiece。The alchemist's parchment said that Icelandic volcanoes could reach the center of the earth。The protagonists embark on a journey to the depths of the earth。Old、アイスランドへ行った知り合いから本をもらったが、A mountain called Snæfellsjökull was the beginning of this journey。I read this book with excitement.。It is a novel in which the author's extensive knowledge is demonstrated everywhere.。

Transformation and fasting performer

Kafka (Written by), Hajime Yamashita (Translation), Manri Yamashita (Translation)Iwanami Shoten (Publishing House) / Iwanami Bunko September 16, 2004 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) Works of the author, a famous twentieth-century literary figure。It's a novel that has struck a chord with the population.。Gregor Zamza, a mediocre salesman, comes out of a dream、The story of discovering yourself transformed into a giant poisonous insect。An absurd tragedy occurs in the daily life of an ordinary family。I remember the last scene。I read the Kadokawa Bunko edition.、I read the first part、I haven't read the second part。

Yoshikazu Earless

Yakumo Koizumi (Written by)Orion Books (Publishing House)2013October 25 - (Release date)Kindle version (Format) A novel by Lafcadio Hearn, also known as Yakumo Koizumi。A foreigner living in Shimane Prefecture、He is a famous novelist who has written many ghost stories.。There were various levels of visually impaired people in the Edo period.。Among them, the highest rank is the inspection school.。It seems that there was a person called Yatsuhashi Kengaku。There is a famous saying that if the wind blows, the oke shop will make a profit.、This has become a syllogism。When the wind blows, the number of blind people increases.、Shamisen needed、Catching cats increases the number of mice.、It means that you will gnaw at the tub and ruin it.。 三段論法をもう一つ考えてみた鉱山が見つかれば識字率が上がる鉱山が見つかれば労働者が働いて聾人が増えて写経をするすると本が流通し子供たちが字を読めるようになるという事だ

Bear 2

Segei (Written by), Kumana no (Written by), 029 (other)Housewives and Seikatsusha (Publishing House) / PASH! ComicsFebruary 22, 2019 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) Manga of Reincarnation。The main character, Yuna, is based on the funds earned from stocks、I was reclusive to Tawaman by myself。One day、The story of getting cheat equipment full of bears all over the body in the game。2In the volume, Yuna, called Bloody Bear, fights goblins.。Cute bear equipment。The bear cutter is powerful。Bears would also be hibernating in winter。I wonder where the bear's den is。Cliff or。

Sophie's World on

Jostein Goldel (Written by), Kayoko Ikeda (Translation), Akira Suda (Supervision)NHK Publishing (Publishing House)2011May 26 - (Release date)Kindle version (Format) Novels that will teach you philosophy。It's a famous work。I also read it with interest。It's a book you'll want to have on hand。The dedication reads:。 Those who can't talk about the past 3,000 years、気づきもないまま真っ暗な暗闇の中で毎日を生きていく ゲーテ(電子書籍のためページ数不明) その通りかもしれないな。The sentence in the first chapter is also recalled.。 Anyway、いつか何かが無から生まれたはず(エデンの園 電子書籍のためページ数不明) ビッグバンという事だろう。Another thing that left an impression on me was Socrates.、Aristotle、Cant etc.。A friend of mine also mentioned this story as his favorite novel.。Alberto is cool。


大場 つぐみ (Written by), 小畑 健 (Written by)Shueisha (Japan) (Publishing House) / ジャンプコミックス2005年7月4日 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) 月たちはデスノートを所有するヨツバ・火口を包囲した月は再びデスノートを手にする事ができるのかという話Lが死ぬとは驚いたまさかそういう展開だったとはな最後に言い残そうとした事は何だったのだろうかデスノコラが沢山あって面白かった。And、Lの後継者のニアとメロが登場する。I'm looking forward to the next volume。

The trouble、Philosophers have already given the answer

Shohei Kobayashi (Written by)Bunkyosha (Publishing House)2018April 27 - (Release date)Kindle version (Format) Philosophers had already given answers to the worries of modern people。A book that teaches the philosopher's words in plain language。For those who want to quit the company but can't、Gilles Deleuze describes it as a place of hope from which you can escape as much as you want.。I've quit the company.、I think I can make an effort while working.。Immanuel Kant tells us about the trouble of not being able to quit infidelity。It's refreshing to obey the moral law.。Shinran says to attain nirvana。In the study.。

Bug Master Sequel Episode 4: The Hand Caressing the Night

)Hiroshi Nagahama (Director) / Yuto Nakano (Cast), Mika Doi (performer) April 26, 2014 (Release date)Amazon Video (Format) Ginkgo at night、Notice a mysterious smell in the mountains。Then a man appeared and Ginkgo's body stopped moving.。The man is affected by rot.、It was easy to hunt by attracting prey and getting it drunk.。They say you can drink light sake.。I never thought the darkness could be so terrifying... The dragon is deeply moving.。It would be a causal response.。I want to be careful not to blackout by drinking alcohol。It also makes me think about what Ginkgo says。

Sorcerer Orphen Hagure Journey New Edition 5

秋田 禎信 (Written by) / 草河 遊也 (Illustrations) TOブックス (Publishing House) / 新装版2012年1月31日 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) キムラック教会のユグドラシル神殿に侵入するオーフェン。Also、アザリーも聖都を訪れていた教主ラモニロックが語る世界の真実とは始祖魔術士オーリオウルには驚いた女神は悪いやつなんだな常世界法則が思い起こされるラグナロク砦が登場するレキは強い

Sorcerer Orphen Hagure Journey New Edition 4

)秋田 禎信 (Written by) / 草河 遊也 (Illustrations) TOブックス (Publishing House) / 新装版2011年12月31日 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) 前編ではオーフェンたちは現在しないはずの古代の劇場カミスンダ劇場を発見するそこでは魔王スウェーデンボリ―が戯曲『魔王』を上演していた劇場はシスター・イスターシバによって建てたれたのだな挿絵が記憶に残る後編では主人公たちが聖都キムラックに入る死の教師は強敵だネイム・オンリーがハシーシャンだったとは