Scrap and Build

Keisuke Haneda (Written by)Bungei Shunshu (Publishing House) / Bunshun Bunko May 10, 2018 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) The childishness of adolescents vs. the cunning of old people。 Trying to fulfill my grandfather's wish、The story of his grandson Kento coming up with a plan。 A mysterious creature appears。 That must be a rat。 I once saw a rat fishing for garbage in a restaurant in Shinjuku in the early morning.。 You said there were rats in my acquaintance's house.。 You may need a cat。 The main character, Kento, has hay fever。 About hay fever now、About 1 in 4 Japan people have hay fever。 I have also had symptoms of hay fever in recent years.。 I wonder if it is an allergic reaction to suddenly get hay fever.。

Old man and sea

  Hemingway (Written by) / Takayoshi Ogawa (Translation)Kobunsha (Publishing House) / Kobunsha Classic New Translation Bunko September 20, 2014 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) Works of famous novelists。 Nobel Prize winners。 It was in a movie I saw a long time ago.。 This book is a new translation.。 Old man working as marlin tuna fisherman in Mexico。 I went fishing alone due to bad luck。 A giant marlin bites its prey、3It will be a fierce battle over the days。 The last tourist's line was impressive.。 The term shark's spine must have come out because it was eaten by a shark.。 The end of all that prey has become just garbage... But the old man thinks he's done something and he's content to sleep at home.。 The rope is taut、Let it drain、I'm about to run out。The boat proceeded slowly、The old man saw off until the plane disappeared。(p.49 e-book) When it comes to airplanes、There's a phone call between lovers at Sendai Airport.。 It is a telephone that connects the departure lobby and the waiting room "until we meet again".。 A scene of a long-distance college student on the phone was broadcast.。 Also、There is a special painting machine called a wrapping airplane。 It's illustrated and sometimes flies。 I saw the Demon Slayer airplane in Hokkaido。 Seafood is delicious in the northern Japan。

Wild fish

井伏 鱒二 (Written by) Shinchosha (Publishing House) / 新潮文庫 1948年1月15日 (Release date) Bunko (Format) 12編の短編集主に著者の初期作品の代表作らしい。 I read it as a flip、僕は表題作が気に入ったな岩屋から外へ出られなくなった山椒魚をユーモラスに描いているこの動物について僕は全然詳しくないがなんとなくのんきな印象を持つので閉じ込められちゃうやつもいるのかもしれないと思った。 The rest、巻末に書かれていた亀井勝一郎さんの『「山椒魚」について』という文章がよかった。 … Continue readingWild fish

Dungeon Rice Volume 1

九井 諒子 (Written by)KADOKAWA/エンターブレイン (Publishing House) / ビームコミックス2015年1月15日 (Release date)Comic (Format) ダンジョンで魔物食を食べる異色の漫画歩き茸が登場する動く鎧の話には驚いた内側に張り付いた軟体生物が筋肉の役割を果たしているのか貝のような料理が美味しそうだホタテフライが食べたい有名な作品だがこのような物語だったのだな

National Geographic Japan March 2022

National Geographic (Edit)Nikkei National Geographic (Publishing House)2022February 8 - (Release date)Kindle version (Format) Nature and animals、Magazines featuring countries。I've been reading this magazine a lot for a long time.。It was written that glaciers will decrease in the Alps as winter disappears.。Global warming is about carbon dioxide more than increasing、There is a belief that cosmic rays are affected by space meteorology.。And、It is said that cooling is more frightening than global warming。It would be a big problem with food production.。It seems that no conclusions have yet been drawn about the causes of global warming。The rest、I didn't know that insulation sheets protect snow。I've been to a nearby ski resort once.、Winter sports are fun。 It also covered Sudan's new future.。 "My grandfather was Taharqa.、私の祖母はカンダカの一人!」 (P.59) これは2019年、It was one of the slogans of demonstrators to overthrow the dictatorship of Omar Bashir.。 The people of Sudan shouted this slogan with the belief that they were heirs to the kings and queens of ancient Egypt.。 I've seen the news of the Arab Spring.、Is it an article in the middle of that?。 About the Arab Spring in Egypt at the time、I know the news that the current government has been overthrown.。 I wonder what kind of swell enveloped the Arabs。 Video sites such as Youtube、I feel that social media such as twitter played an important role。 Demonstrations in Japan remind me of May Day in May。 May Day was a gathering to improve workers' rights.。 I have to study too.。 It was also written about leopards.。

How do blind people see the world?

Asa Ito (Written by)Kobunsha (Publishing House)2015April 20, 2010 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) A book by an author specializing in aesthetics and contemporary art that shows how visually impaired people perceive the world。In the study.。The social view of the art appreciation workshop with the visually impaired is impressive.。Who can see、It is a new live art appreciation for both invisible people。筆者のインタビューの一部も読む事ができる。There was also a text data voucher at the end of the book.。Visually impaired、People with physical disabilities may find it useful。

The Time Machine

H. G. Wells (Written by)AmazonClassics (Publishing House)2017On August 22. (Release date)Kindle version (Format) The author's famous science fiction novels。The protagonist who invented the time machine is、80Going to the future ten thousand years from now。The changed appearance of humanity that I saw there、The story that he is shocked。僕は過去本書を読んだのだが、3At the beginning of the chapter, I stopped reading when the protagonist went to the future。I wonder if this is an old novel, so it is difficult to read.。Let's read the English version again。Time travelers feel cool。

The laws of reading

The laws of reading are as follows。 Relationship between number of pages and time。 100A book about a page——-1A book with about 300 pages in 25 seconds per page——-1A book of about 500 pages in 35 seconds per page——-1ページ辺り45秒 長くなると読む確率が低くなる

Bicycle laws

Pexels / Pixabay I will write the four major theorems of bicycles that I discovered。 パン間の法則 重量の原理 Discoveryの法則 田舎の標識 パン間の法則は自転車のパンクと期間についての命題だ。 1The air pressure of the bicycle increases as it goes from 5 to 5。 Low air pressure makes it easy to get punctures、You can see that it is difficult to puncture if it is high.。 Especially from 2 to 3 is a sudden change.。 3is normal air pressure,、Even a little deflating increases the risk of punctures。 It is better to air frequently.。 next、The principle of weight is that the force of pedaling a bicycle is proportional to body weight。 $$ F=mα+kv $$ A person weighing 50 kg and a person weighing 100 kg need twice the power to pedal a bicycle.。 Therefore, if you lose weight, you only need to lose weight.。 Air resistance is also important.、The fatter you are, the more surface area you get, so the law applies.。 However、Exercise bikes don't fit this law。 Further the Law of Discovery。 Tire replacement is 6,000 yen、Chain exchange is 7,000 yen、Light replacement is 4,000 yen、Key exchange is 5,000 yen、Brake pad replacement is 2,000 yen.。 Cheap mamachari sells for 12,000 yen。 In terms of the total amount, you can buy 2 Mamachari。 What you mean、It means that you should buy a new cheap bicycle。 It is better to fix and use expensive bicycles。 In my personal opinion, bicycles over 80,000 yen are recommended.。 Finally, there is a sign for the countryside。 In the countryside it is better to run on the sidewalk。 Even in road racers。 Roads are dangerous for cars。 Ride your bicycle with care.。

The Power of Solitude

  齋藤 孝 (Written by) Shinchosha (Publishing House) / 新潮文庫 2010年9月29日 (Release date) Bunko (Format) 著者には暗黒の十年があるみたい三十代前半までに体験した壮絶な孤独の年月であるという今本は作者が自らの体験を基に推奨する「孤独の技法」である僕か印象に残ったのは以下なのだ特にテレビはテレビに出ている人たちが友達であるかのように感じる空間を作り出す(中略…) 「△△がすごかったんだ」 (中略…) そういう話題を身近な友達とすればまるで自分がその仲間入りをしている錯覚を起こしその場では孤独は紛れる(中略…) (プロローグページ数不明) 凄い人の皮を着る自分が調子付く秘技自分酔拳世間では右に倣えの思が縦走しているようだ僕は左に矢向けるの想で日常を跋扈しているどちらがよいだろうかつまり海外の観光地で同国の者の遭遇し喜ぶか喜ばないか、2種の人間に分けられると思うのだ僕は絶対に喜ばんねしかし喜ぶ場面もある例えばヨーロッパを巡る汽車の旅に出たとする。 3ヶ月に及ぶ結晶journey終着駅でsame Japanの人に出くわすそこには分かち合いたい感情が存在するだろうと思う本との対峙itにより世界を異なる切り口で受け取ることができた一騎当億の本を見受けた。 … Continue readingThe Power of Solitude


角田 光代 (Written by) Shinchosha (Publishing House) / 新潮文庫 2010年1月28日 (Release date) Bunko (Format) 著者の本を初期手にした様々な作品を書いているみたいミツザワ書店のおばあちゃんはすごい作者は高齢なのかと思案したがまだ婦人でおられますのね要チェックすべし作家である巻末をちらりと読む発行者という欄があると気づく新潮社はヤバイな隆興を勝ち得る出版元であろう童貞諸氏はKONRINZAI筆者の本を読んではならぬ…。 … Continue readingSearch


谷川 俊太郎 (Written by) Shinchosha (Publishing House) / 新潮文庫 2010年1月28日 (Release date) Bunko (Format) 僕が興味を持ったのは以下の節であるポポー 関心を持たないのは次のsectionである恋は大袈裟 道なき道 春を待つ手紙 自分と出会う 通信~ 内的などもり 二〇〇一年一月一日 ことばめぐりとある日という章にも勘がないしかして二十一世紀の最初の一日という小話は作者の現在感が表れていて面白い。 21世紀かぁ。 … Continue readingAlone