Oh, my God! Algorithm
Aditya Y. Bagaba (Written by) / Queep Co., Ltd. (Translation, Supervision) Shoyingsha (Publishing House) 2017January 31, 2017 (Release date) Kindle version (Format) a book in which the algorithm is illustrated and explained in an easy-to-understand manner。 Python、Ruby、Javascript、C #、The source code for the Gambas version of the sample looks like you can download it from GitHub.。 It's a different language.。 The following themes are taken up in this book.。 二分探索 ビッグオー記法 配列とリンクリスト 再帰 問題解決手法 分割統治 貪欲法 動的計画法 クイックソート ハッシュテーブル グラフアルゴリズム 幅優先探索 ダイクストラ法 k近傍法 次なるステップへ 図がたくさん載っているのでスラスラと読むことができた。 If you want to learn more about other algorithms、It seems to be good to investigate the ten algorithms introduced in Chapter 11", "Next Step".。 The rest、In functional programming, there is no loop.、It's like using recursion instead.。 I don't know much about functional programming.、I thought it was better.。