Baby Star Dodekai Ramen

Popular product Baby Star Ramen has grown。 Delicious with old-fashioned taste and chicken flavor。 The unique shape makes the texture good.。 This shape is made by swimming freely in the oil when it is fried.。 It's random。 I think the cut surface looks good。 It must be cutting with a cutter。 It is a taste that you can get your hands on unexpectedly。 A new character, Hoshio, is drawn.。 The old character was Bey-chan。 2023The Baby Star Grand Campaign is running until September。 I want a robot vacuum cleaner baby Sutaro too。

I decided not to hate you guys

Antoine Lellis (Written by), Kayoko Doi (reason) ポプラ社 2016年6月21日 (Release date) hardcover (Form of issuance) The author, who lost his beloved wife in the Paris terrorist attacks, published a letter on Facebook。 A message that traveled around the world。 The author declared that he would not inflict hatred on terrorists.。 I would say apathy。 I thought I needed to learn more about the world situation.。 Modest time、There is also something to show、There is such a time when there is nothing to talk about、The most beautiful。 (p.53) 作者は妻との思い出についてそう語る。 There's a line in Goethe's Faust that says time stops and you're beautiful.。 Is time beautiful just by existing?。 The words of this book say that a moment without love is beautiful。 In Japan, the river you go to is constantly coming and going, and the year is also called a traveler.。 Hojoki。 I guess it means that time goes by flux.。 I don't think so。 I think time will pass。 I agree with this document。


Sumito Yamashita Shinchosha / Shincho Bunko, April 17, 2020 (Release date) Bunko (Form of issuance) The protagonist enters a training school for actors and screenwriters located in the valley。 I felt that the passage of time was unique。 In the commentary, it was written that it was a dream time.。 Remembered Warabius。 Warabiza is a theater company that lived in a group。 Local beer was famous。 It went bankrupt due to the influence of Corona.。 I've seen the Firebird on stage in Warabiza。 It was a lively and dynamic stage.。 The beer is also delicious。 Young Werther's troubles came into play in this film。 Yamashita is not lol pizza lol gobo。 Because it's funny and lanky。

Skin Collector Bottom

Jeffrey Deaver(Written by), 池田真紀子(reason) 文芸春秋 / 文春文庫 2018年12月 (Release date) Bunko (Form of issuance) リンカーン・ライムシリーズの第11作ライムは犯罪の天才ウォッチメーカーが獄中で死亡したとの報を受けたその直後スキンコレクターと言う犯人が現れる毒物でタトゥーを刻み毒殺するという犯人真の狙いは一体何なのかという話かなり悪い犯人だなスキンコレクターは毒を使うのは重大な犯罪なのだ本作でライムメンバーのロン・セリットーが… 真の狙いにはおどろき第一作にも劣らないおののきだ

Juvenile delinquents who can't cut cake

Koji Miyaguchi Shinchosha / Shincho Shinsho July 13, 2019 (Release date) New book (Form of issuance) Books written by the author, a child psychiatrist, about juvenile delinquents。 More than a dozen percent of the population is said to have introduced practical training focusing on people with borderline intelligence。 It was a shocking book。 I don't know if the disability of the boys who committed the crime is congenital or acquired, but I thought education was important.。 The juvenile medical center is the last bastion.。 Beware of junior high schools。 Is it a middle 1 gap?。 I once saw a bad boy in Shimokitazawa.。 Although the first feeling of being scared、When I talked to him, he might have been a normal child.。 I think it would be good for boys with developmental or intellectual disabilities to read manga such as Doraemon.。 Isn't it a training for cognitive functions?。 Knowledge is power。

Burning Wire on

Jeffrey Deaver, Makiko Ikeda Bungeishunju / Bunshun Bunko November 10, 2015 (Release date) Bunko (Form of issuance) The ninth book in the Lincoln Lyme series。 2Two major incidents occur。 What happens in New York City and Mexico。 The nemesis, the genius criminal watchmaker, was sighted.。 I'm glad that Lime's body is moving。 The story of Fred Delray's informant is interesting。 本作ではローカルなコミュニティーで情報を集めるFBI捜査官のことが描かれている。 However,、There was a character called Seeker who uses the Internet to find information.。 西尾維新のクビキリサイクルに登場していたな。 Who was that?。 It's a Ayanami leopard。 I was part of a team。 This work was interesting。

5 cm per second 2

Makoto Shinkai, Seike Yukiko Kodansha / Afternoon April 22, 2011 (Release date) Comic (Form of issuance) Comic adaptation of famous films。 Interesting。 The previous volume contains Ohka Sho.。 This volume begins with a continuation of Cosmonaut。 Takaki and Risa were clumsy。 Tochigi Iwafune appears。 I've been to Nikko。 Nikko Toshogu is a tourist attraction。 Come to think of it, the statue of the three monkeys seems to have been renewed.。 They also sold wooden swords。 Why do students buy wooden swords when they go on school trips?。 I used to do kendo, too.。

The Great Gatsby

Fitzgerald (Written by), Takayoshi Ogawa (Translation)Kobunsha (Publishing House) / Kobunsha Classic New Translation Bunko September 20, 2009 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) Have a luxurious car in a gorgeous mansion、Gatsby, the man who throws a big party every night。 Everything that has built up wealth so far、The story that it was to get back your former lover。 Interesting。 The author has a deep knowledge of music.。 The world history of jazz of Vladimir Tostov appeared。 Daisy is amazing。 If you've come this far、I feel like I can reach my dream in just a few moments.、I wouldn't have thought that I could fail to grasp it.。I had no idea that the dream was behind me。(p.217 電子書籍) 僕は夢が前にあると思っていた。You wouldn't think it's behind。However, after reading this book, I thought it would be nice if my dreams were next to me.。I want to walk with my dreams。Gatsby is lovely。

New Edition Kurobe Yamajin: Bandit Demon Sa and Kemono

Hakunissha Editorial Department = Edition (Edit), Zenichiro Onikubo = narration (other)Yamato Keiyasha (Publishing House)2016January 22 - (Release date)Kindle version (Format) A life story told by Oni Sajiyamajin, one of the "bandits of Kurobe"。Bocca、guide、Distress Rescue、Char、It is written about antelopes, etc.。The author says that the Kitakama ridge and Hodaka vertical run are careful with the guide.。Konbanha the raccoon dog is interesting。It seems that antelopes have something like territory.。There were raccoons and antelopes in my neighborhood.。I often walk in the mountains.、I haven't seen many animals in the mountains.。Let's go to the zoo。

"Again、I'm sure I'll see you."。

喜多川 泰 (Written by) サンマーク出版 (Publishing House) 2010November 18, 2010 (Release date) Hardcover (Format) 映画化した作品の原作なのかな。 No、Interesting。 高校生の少年のひと夏の旅の思い出… 旅は人を成長させますな人生で大事なのは努力だけでなく良い出会いも大切なのだなぁ主人公が出会った人たちの言葉が胸に響く僕も友人先輩後輩周りの人たちに感謝しないとこういう本を読むと僕ものんべんだらりと生きていないで頑張らねば!と思う。 Good、がんばるぞ~Continue reading"Again、I'm sure I'll see you."。

The Afterlife is an Actress

林 真理子 (Written by) Bungei Shunshu (Publishing House) / 文春文庫 2015年6月10日 (Release date) Bunko (Format) 著者の人気エッセイ第26弾だというよく分からないのだが本屋さんで偶然見かけ購入したピラパラと読む著者はエッセイ女優など様々なことをやっているのだな僕もいろいろなことに挑戦してみたいものだ「人生は芝居人は役者」という「世界劇場(テアトラム・ムンディ)」の概念があるらしいがその理屈でいけば万人は役者なのだなぁなんだ僕も役者だったか恐るるに足らず…(何を?) いろいろな自分を演出するのが大事なのかもしれないね。 … Continue readingThe Afterlife is an Actress

Nanase Again

Yasutaka Tsutsui (Written by) Shinchosha (Publishing House) / 新潮文庫 1978年12月1日 (Release date) Bunko (Format) 本屋さんで偶然手に取った本書を読んでみた興味関心はほとんどないのだが、Old、木曜の怪談という番組でドラマが放送されていた思い出がある。 I flipped and read。 超能力を持った主人公たちが世間との軋轢?によって破滅する物語かな僕的には男性が情欲にまみれており女性は性格が良くないものという風に描かれていたのが気になった世の中そのような男女ばかりでないのは確かだ主人公の七瀬は人運が悪いというか巡りあわせが悪かったな超能力者としての驕りがあったのだろうか。 … Continue readingNanase Again