The Stand 1

Stephen King (Written by) / Mariko Fukamachi (Translation) Bungei Shunshu (Publishing House) / Bunshun Bunko April 7, 2004 (Release date)Bunko (Format) Masterpiece Feature。A world destroyed by Superflu。Depicts survivors who gather under good and the struggle of evil to aim for them。It is frightening to see the social order disappear。I read on, pounding。The only ones left alive are Stu and Franny.。Glenn、nick、It's a pity that Tom and others have passed away.。Trash can man is impressive。Randle Flagg appears in other films。


Stephen King (Written by) / Fusa Koo (Translation)Bungei Shunshu (Publishing House) / Bunshun Bunko FourPastMidnight July 9, 1999 (Release date)Bunko (Format) Horror Novels。1The main character on the plane at dawn。However, when he woke up, all the passengers had disappeared.。The last scene Nick saw was... I'm impressed by Toomey.。When I first read this book, I thought adults had a hard idea.。However, as I grow older, I understand Toomey's feelings more or less.。Not like a spring。I don't think crime should be done.。The other is about a novelist being suspected of plagiarism.。It was also made into a movie under the title Secret Window.。Both were interesting。

Don quixote

Cervantes (Written by) / Ushijima Nobuaki Iwanami Shoten (Publishing House) / Iwanami Shonen Bunko June 16, 2000 (Release date) Bunko (Format) 16It was the literature of the century, but it was interesting because it seemed to be still relevant to the present day.。I feel like this book was well put together.。There was such a thing as a chivalric novel.。Don Quixote de Ramancha and his cousin Sancho Pansha、The story of the horse and donkey was interesting.。I wonder what it is like to return to sanity.。It's a sad end, but。

Notre Dame de Paris

ヴィクトル・ド・ユゴー (Written by), 大友 徳明 (Written by)KADOKAWA (Publishing House)2022February 22 - (Release date)Kindle version (Format) とても美しいエスメラルダしっかり者のピエール・グランゴワールは悲惨な目にあったなカジモドは頑張り屋フロロ神父は非常に頑張る必要があるフェビュスは優しさが必要な気がするジャリはかわいい。19世紀フランスのリアリズム小説となるのかしら悲劇的結末になった人が二人いるという著者はレ・ミゼラブルを著した人でもあるのだな舞台は十五世紀のパリで考えさせられるラストだった

Denen Symphony Orchestra

ジッド (Written by)/神西 清(Translation)Shinchosha (Publishing House) / 文春文庫1952年7月17日 (Release date)Bunko (Format) フランスのノーベル文学賞の本のこと「盲人もし盲人を導かば」をテーマにした作品という牧師の恋はあまりよいとはいえないと思うのだジェルトリュードというとても美しく知性的になっていく女性が悲劇的な最期を遂げるちなみに牧師はキリスト教プロテスタント派の聖職者の事

Asylum Piece

アンナ カヴァン (Written by) / 山田 和子 (Translation)Chikuma Shobo (Publishing House) / ちくま文庫2019年7月10日 (Release date)Bunko (Format) 何気なく手にとった本帯によると不安定な精神状態と幻想が入り混じる心象風景を先鋭的なスタイルで描いた作品集だという病んでいてとても暗い感じカフカに通じるものがあるのか短いのでサラッと読める一番最初の作品と表題作が僕の心に残ったかな書かれたのは1940年とのこと病院の入院生活から退院して家に帰りたくない人はいないということ寒々しい冬より暖かい春を待ち望むということは今も昔も変わらないだろうと言いつつも考えれば冬には冬なりの楽しみ方もあるような気はする僕もウィンタースポーツとかやってみたいな。 The rest、本を読んでいると自分も創作したくなるものだ

Watchmaker Below

ジェフリー ディーヴァー (Written by) / Makiko Ikeda (Translation)Bungei Shunshu (Publishing House) / 文春文庫2010年11月10日 (Release date)Bunko (Format) ドンデン返しで有名なミステリーリンカーン・ライムシリーズ昔4作目まで読んだな本作では史上最強の敵ウォッチメイカーが登場するらしい僕の第二部までの感想は汚職は非常によくない怖いけど事件が解決してちょっといい話だったというものでしたがそこからいつものようにストーリーが二転三転するのだった時計の複雑機構(コンプリケーション)、I see、Interesting。 この天才?犯罪者は今後も登場するみたいだ。 now、尋問の天才キャサリン・ダンスという登場人物を知ったが優秀だなスピンオフ作品もあるみたい皆が無事でよかった

Universal Baseball Association

  ロバート・クーヴァー (Written by) / 越川 芳明 (Translation) Shiramizusha (Publishing House) / 白水Uブックス 2014年1月18日 (Release date) New book (Format) 50代の会計士ヘンリーはサイコロと各種一覧表を使った複雑な野球ゲームを考案し没頭するしかし架空のリーグユニヴァーサル野球協会の試合中に起きた大事件をきっかけにゲームと現実の境界が崩れ始めるのだった最後は虚構にすっかり浸食されたのか神であるヘンリーがいなくなってしまった解説によると本書は創世記を土台にしてアメリカ社会の様々が比喩の形で盛り込まれているらしいメタフィクションなポストモダニズム文学なんだ面白いことを考えるなぁ。 … Continue readingUniversal Baseball Association

Journey to modern hell

Dino Buzzati, Toru Nagano Tosen Publishing December 13, 2018 (Release date) Hardcover (Form of issuance) 15Short Stories。 Transporting the reader to a fantasy realm that emerges from the cracks in the everyday world。 All of them were interesting。 The novella is the door to hell found at the construction site of the Milan Metro。 The story of what a journalist who visited to investigate the hell world saw。 "Eggs" and "Luscious Night" are impressive.。 There was a metaphysical story.、Pounding。 According to the translator's afterword, it is a frequent theme of the author's novel.。 I think I can write too.。 Anajim / Pixabay 本書では虫が出てくる。 When it comes to insects, butterflies are beautiful。 White butterfly、Monkichou、アゲハチョウ… 素数ゼミという蝉がいるらしいが、Imagine a butterfly called an odd butterfly。 Only an odd number of months live and hatch with caterpillars.。 Feathers are reminiscent of the greatest common divisor。 My favorite flower is the dorsal flower。 Peekie、There is also a legend that it squeals。 The old painter Ardente Prestinari, who had an eternal abode in heaven,、One day、To our friends、I told him I would go down to the ground and see the Venice Biennale.。 (p.104) 「ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレの夜の戦い」という萹が面白かった。 I've been to Venice。 I've been eating pasta。 Water buses are in operation.、Worthy of the name of a maritime city。 St. Mark's Square was magnificent。 It is a tourist attraction that you want to visit at least once。 It is also the setting for a manga called ARIA。 There were a lot of Japan tourists.。 Here again a fictional figure、滝三刈氏に登場してもらおう滝三刈氏は上野恩賜公園を歩いていた。 Hurry down the road with the statue of Saigo Takamori aside。 A tote bag is worn on the side.。 It is a picture of a car called Vista。 滝三刈氏はこの車が好きなのだろうか。 I was walking around the park in a suit.。 What I saw was the National Museum of Western Art。 It was built by a pupil of Le Corbusier.。 At the entrance is by Rodin.、There is a sculpture of the Gates of Hell, famous for Dante's Divine Comedy。 ゴーギャンの展覧会を見に来た滝三刈氏はふと足を止めた。 Koirimichi growls while looking at the statue。 "Hey.、What。」 「うわ、surprised。No、I was wondering if this gate has a spear、I was watching.。」 「なに、I don't know if it's a lock or a snail.、This fool。 貴様は印象派の目玉野郎か?」 「あっしは新バタン派を名乗っています。 Since it is the entrance of Inferno, it is not a sliding door of a tenement.。」 「うるさい! この口だけトンボが! どうせミュージアムショップにたむろしている下劣な馬鹿な一団の一味なんだろう! このめちゃりめが!」 滝三刈氏は拳を振り上げるとポカポカと殴りかかった。 After a few minutes、勝利を収めた滝三刈氏は意気揚々と美術館内に入っていった。 "What thinks。Rodin's tide is incompatible with entrepreneurs。Valley of Rodin、It can't be Rodin Valley。」 滝三刈氏はデジタルネイティブを標榜しているのだ。 Appreciating paintings of nudes、滝三刈氏の男根は屹立した。 "Kimo。」 その時声が聞こえた滝三刈氏はハッと振り返った。 There was JK in uniform。 "What an insult to me。」 滝三刈氏が一歩踏み出すと、JK turned to the side。 JK's boyfriend was standing there。 滝三刈氏はいまだ女性を知らない一言悪態でも吐こうと思った滝三刈氏は小さくなって扉の方へ向かった。 The ultra-cultural labia were pulled out。 その時何かを思いついた滝三刈氏はスマートフォンを取り出し、Started sending images with AirDrop。 As soon as you send an image、滝三刈氏は駆け足で美術館を後にした。 However,、JK's smartphone is Xperia。

Ulysses I.

James Joyce Shueisha / Shueisha Bunko September 2003 (Release date) Bunko (Form of issuance) 1904June 16, 8 a.m.、A long summer day、Quietly open at the Martello Tower。 The story of Stephen, a temporary teacher at a private school, and Bloom, a Jew。 Episodes 1 to 8 are recorded.。 Interesting。 According to the commentary, this book is one of the most difficult to translate.。 Also、The author was also described as one of the two leading novelists of the twentieth century.。 Who would be the other one?。 I thought Tolstoy。 Gravely、A meaty Buck mulligan emerged from the staircase offering a bubbling bowl of soap bubbles.。 (第一部 1.テレマコス p.15) スーパー銭湯が僕は好きだ。 In the past, there were many public baths in the local area.。 Recently gone。 There seem to be a lot of them in Tokyo.。 Recalling Kerolin。 Oedo Onsen Monogatari。 There is also a hot spring bath in Odaiba。 Super public baths come with massages。 Relieves muscle stiffness。 There is a person I know who rubs the soil.。 They're looking for buried treasure。 It is said that the probability increases by rubbing。 Moxibustion may be done。 Earthworms also appear。 slither.ioというゲームがあった。 There is a song called One-Winged Angel。 There is also a song called Crazy Motorcycle。 There is also a song called Memories are Okusenman。 There was also a song called Gacha Gacha Cute Fugyu Cute。

Skin Collector Bottom

Jeffrey Deaver(Written by), 池田真紀子(reason) 文芸春秋 / 文春文庫 2018年12月 (Release date) Bunko (Form of issuance) リンカーン・ライムシリーズの第11作ライムは犯罪の天才ウォッチメーカーが獄中で死亡したとの報を受けたその直後スキンコレクターと言う犯人が現れる毒物でタトゥーを刻み毒殺するという犯人真の狙いは一体何なのかという話かなり悪い犯人だなスキンコレクターは毒を使うのは重大な犯罪なのだ本作でライムメンバーのロン・セリットーが… 真の狙いにはおどろき第一作にも劣らないおののきだ

Burning Wire on

Jeffrey Deaver, Makiko Ikeda Bungeishunju / Bunshun Bunko November 10, 2015 (Release date) Bunko (Form of issuance) The ninth book in the Lincoln Lyme series。 2Two major incidents occur。 What happens in New York City and Mexico。 The nemesis, the genius criminal watchmaker, was sighted.。 I'm glad that Lime's body is moving。 The story of Fred Delray's informant is interesting。 本作ではローカルなコミュニティーで情報を集めるFBI捜査官のことが描かれている。 However,、There was a character called Seeker who uses the Internet to find information.。 西尾維新のクビキリサイクルに登場していたな。 Who was that?。 It's a Ayanami leopard。 I was part of a team。 This work was interesting。

The Great Gatsby

Fitzgerald (Written by), Takayoshi Ogawa (Translation)Kobunsha (Publishing House) / Kobunsha Classic New Translation Bunko September 20, 2009 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) Have a luxurious car in a gorgeous mansion、Gatsby, the man who throws a big party every night。 Everything that has built up wealth so far、The story that it was to get back your former lover。 Interesting。 The author has a deep knowledge of music.。 The world history of jazz of Vladimir Tostov appeared。 Daisy is amazing。 If you've come this far、I feel like I can reach my dream in just a few moments.、I wouldn't have thought that I could fail to grasp it.。I had no idea that the dream was behind me。(p.217 電子書籍) 僕は夢が前にあると思っていた。You wouldn't think it's behind。However, after reading this book, I thought it would be nice if my dreams were next to me.。I want to walk with my dreams。Gatsby is lovely。